Thursday, May 17, 2012

Today the day began with the children having an assembly that was given by the orchestra of Heights High School. Each student within the orchestra introduced what instrument they played the importance of the instrument and then played a selection. At the end of the assembly before the orchestra left they played 5 different songs from the sound of music, a musical that the high school put on earlier during the . year that many children participated in. They then gave the children afterwards the opportunity to name the different songs that they recognized within the whole selection, this was and exercise that they really enjoyed. After this my children, the 4th graders got a breakfast and we went up to the classroom. While the children worked in their math workbooks my teacher instructed me to create a sample pamphlet of one of the islands of Lake Erie that she would show to the children as a prompt for the one that they would later as groups create. After the children finished their math they went out for recess and later came back for reading. During reading time my teacher read to them a book that reflected the historical topic that they were studying, the holocaust. Within this reading session my teacher would stop to give the children synonyms of words they may not have known and concepts and themes that they might not understand. She would often ask them to act out some of the words such as awe and whaling. It was amazing to see how many kids understood and how many had previous knowledge of what happened in the holocaust or the people who contributed to it.

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