Thursday, May 17, 2012

First day back

After having a great trip to Denmark where I filmed my experience both on and off the field. Now that I am home, I am planning on editing and creating a video for people to see my experience. On Monday, I went into my first day with my sponsor back home. We didn't do anything with my videos except upload them off of the camera onto my computer. Along with uploading the videos from the camera, I also uploaded the pictures which I took of mostly the areas we toured. After we did that, which took almost an hour because of how slow my computer was, Andrew took me to his office and showed me some of the works that they are working on and explained to me a little bit about what they do. When the videos and pictures were uploaded, we then went on to a meeting which I sat in on. This meeting was kind of weird to sit in, as the meeting they had was with my dad, but I enjoyed learning how creative the field of advertisement is and I also realized how much work really goes in to a project. All in all, I'm really excited to be home and I'm really looking forward to seeing how the video turns out.

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