Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hawken Farm week two: monday/tuesday

The weather on monday and tuesday was very wet and stormy, because of this we were not able to get a lot done in the garden outside or on the chicken coup. Allie, Stuart and Liam all had AP tests in one of the sessions during monday and tuesday. From this, I had to do a lot on my own. On monday i spent the morning designing a plan for a bench trellis that will also serve as an entrance for the garden when it is completed. I looked up designs of it but I couldn't find one I liked. I searched for images to give me a range of ideas for a design and then I took a little from each of the pictures in order to create my own design. I then carefully went through the design in order to make a detailed materials list. The total expenses for the bench trellis came out to be around $138. In the afternoon, I went and talked to Ms. Wiggens about the seed labels for the Hawken farm seed packets. This turned out to be a very long and tedious process. I had to transfer an image from a pdf file into a word template and then copy and center the image 10 times on one sheet. Then i repeated this process for 51 other seed labels. After I was finished, I sent all the templates to Mrs. Wiggens so she could print them out in color. These labels will allow us to sell seeds and raise money for the Hawken Farm.

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