Here is a link to the remaining photos on facebook:
Theres around 85 pictures.
Last week:
On Wensday, Thursday, and Friday we worked on planting many plants for the garden as well as laying down cardboard paths for the garden. This took a while because we had to cover the entire perimeter of the garden as well as all the paths along with it. We did this so that the weeds would have a harder time growing through the wood chips and it would keep the garden looking ascetically pleasing! On friday a group of 12 eighth graders from the lower school came in the morning to help us out! They were extremely helpful because it gave us a lot of extra hands. With them there, we were able to wood chip the entire garden as well as weed the garden. On thursday, Liam's bee's arrived in the mail! There was about 9000 bees in a small box that was designed for bee transport. In the morning, Liam's sponsor, Stan Hockey helped Liam install the bees into the hive that was donated to us. This experience was very unique and interesting to see!
On friday night, Liam put away the chickens in the chicken coup. Somehow that night, a Raccoon climbed up the hawk-net fencing and went through the side window into the coop. When we got there on saturday morning, there were no remains of the chickens besides an abundance of feathers. This was a very sad day for our project but it just goes to show that in nature if theres a will then theres a way.
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